Palliative Care ACT advocates for, educates on, and facilitates quality palliative care for people in Canberra and the surrounding region. Each year over the last four years, during National Palliative Care Week in the last week of May, Palliative Care ACT has issued a ‘toolkit’. Each toolkit has been designed to provide information and advice, while enhancing curiosity, on issues related to palliative care.


The first two toolkits relate to having a life-limiting illness in the workplace – the first developed for employers and the second developed for employees.

The first two toolkits relate to having a life-limiting illness in the workplace – the first developed for employers and the second developed for employees.

The third toolkit relates to cultural approaches to death and dying.


The fourth toolkit aims to help carers working with people from LGBTQIA+ communities who have a life-limiting illness.

The fifth toolkit is about children with a life-limiting illness and has been prepared for family and friends. As with all our toolkits, it doesn’t give all the answers but it does provide some useful information about how palliative care for children is different to that provided to adults. It offers fairly simple ideas, because often when faced with such a tragedy, even simple things are hard.