About The PalliLearn Community Education Program


Introducing PalliLearn

PalliLearn is an initiative aimed at promoting palliative care education and enhancing community knowledge, death literacy, compassion literacy, and capacity to address serious illness, dying, death, and grief. PalliLearn is a Palliative Care QLD initiative, adapted by Palliative Care ACT for our local context, and is focused on providing quality and easy-to-understand courses that are accessible to all, regardless of background or experience. The courses cover essential topics related to palliative care, including key research findings, practical ways to implement them, tips for connecting with local supports, and ideas for continued learning. Whether you are a community member or a healthcare professional, PalliLearn’s courses will equip you with the knowledge and skills to deliver compassionate care to those who need it most.

Please scroll to the bottom of the page to register for the course

Course Summary: In this online course, you will learn about palliative care in easy-to-understand language that is suitable for the community. The course highlights ten simple aspects of palliative care, allowing you to describe it to your family, friends, colleagues, and community.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 15th November 2023
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Sydney/Canberra time.

Course Summary:  Palliative care requires proper planning, and this one-hour online course outlines five easy steps to determine an individual’s circle of care and jointly plan for their care requirements.


Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom
Date: Wednesday, 29th November 2023

Time: 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm. Sydney/Canberra time.

Course Summary: This online course emphasizes that taking care of yourself is as crucial as caring for others. You can’t pour from an empty cup, and this course offers helpful tips and strategies to integrate self-care into your daily routine.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 13th December.

Time: 1:00 pm – 2 pm  Sydney/Canberra time.

Course Summary: This online course acknowledges that discussing death and grief can be challenging, yet these conversations are crucial. The course offers practical guidance on how to have sensitive and empathetic discussions with loved ones, colleagues, neighbours, or friends about an aspect of life we frequently avoid.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 17th January 2024.

Time: 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm. Sydney/ Canberra time

Course Summary: This online course is centred on identifying the factors that bring joy to life and recognizing the things and individuals that we cherish the most. The course is focused on initiating discussions, advance care planning (ACP), and comprehending the crucial aspects that matter to someone during the end-of-life phase.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 6th March 2024.

Time: 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm.  Sydney/Canberra time

Course Summary: This online course is designed for community members, groups, and leaders who want to create networks of support around people facing serious illness, death, dying, and grief. The course aims to enhance your understanding and skills in building compassionate communities and offers practical ideas and information to promote compassion in your local area.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 20th March, 2024.

Time: 2:30 Pm – 3:30 pm. Sydney/ Canberra time

Course Summary: In this online course, you will learn that compassion goes beyond mere thoughts and feelings. It entails taking concrete steps to alleviate suffering. The course offers an overview of compassion, how to identify suffering, the significance of acknowledging common humanity, and practical examples of compassion in action.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday 10th April 2024.

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Sydney/ Canberra time.

Course Summary: This course emphasises that children and teenagers also go through grief and loss. The course provides valuable insights and practical advice on how to have open and truthful discussions with young people about serious illness, dying, death, and grief.

Course Duration: 60 Mins
Course Delivery: Online via Zoom

Date: Wednesday, 17th April 2024.

Time: 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm. Sydney/Canberra time.

Course Cost: 

  •  No cost at this stage – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t valuable…