National Palliative Care Week 2024

National Palliative Care Week (NPCW) 2024 is here, and Palliative Care ACT is gearing up...

A Day for Rugby with ACT Veterans Rugby club in Canberra

Date: February 16, 2024 Location: Portsea Oval, RMC Duntroon Last Friday, the ACT Veterans Rugby...

Reflecting on a Year of Gratitude and Celebration – Volunteer Christmas BBQ 2023

As the curtains draw on another remarkable year, we at Palliative Care ACT are taking...

Embracing Growth and Learning in Palliative Care: Insights from the NSW Palliative Care Volunteer Conference 2023

The NSW Palliative Care Volunteer Conference 2023 served as an enlightening platform uniting passionate individuals...

National Carers Week 2023

National Carers Week, celebrated from the 15th to the 21st of October 2023, is a...

A Blooming Day of Appreciation: Cuppacumbalong’s Floral Workshop

A  group of dedicated volunteers and a caring carer from Leos place gathered on the...

Embracing Conversations: Dying to Know Day 2023 and Our Participation in Hughes, ACT

Introduction Conversations about death and dying can be challenging and uncomfortable. However, they are conversations...

Leo’s Place Celebrates 50,000+ Hours of Compassionate Care

Leo's Place, a visionary project established as a proof of concept, is now celebrating a...

Reflecting on National Palliative Care Week 2023: A Week of Conversations and Commemoration

Introduction: National Palliative Care Week (NPCW) 2023 was a resounding success, raising awareness about palliative...